According to the policy of DELPA SHIPPING & TRANSPORT CO LTD (a company dealing with freight forwarding, NVOCC transports, project cargo transports, ships’ chartering, ships’ agencies, cargo operations, customs clearance) its services and operations should be handled in a way that the demands and expectations of its clients are fully satisfied, by offering services complying with the legal and regulatory requirements covering its operation.
- Fully satisfy its customers' needs, as well as the prevailing legal, regulatory and other requirements
- Offer quality services at competitive rates, making best possible use of its human resources, know-how, supplies and equipment
- Trace the threats and make the most of the opportunities arising in order to increase customer satisfaction and achieve constant improvement
- Continuously apply, review and improve the effectiveness of the Quality Management System (QMS) according to the ISO 9001:2015 standard
The above mentioned can be achieved by:
- Setting quality goals that are being monitored and reviewed by the company management
- Specifying and allocating the necessary resources to ensure the effective company operation
- Selecting the adequate personnel, specifying their responsibilities and ensure their proper education
- Monitoring the results of the company operations and the standards of the offered products/services
- Applying corrective as well as other actions that handle threats and deploy opportunities to ensure customer satisfaction. The implementation and assessment of the effectiveness of these actions should be monitored.
The Upper Management of DELPA SHIPPING & TRANSPORT CO LTD. appoints a Quality Management Officer who is assigned the necessary power and responsibility in order to:
- Ensure the implementation of the Quality Management System
- Be at any time in a position to handle issues related to quality
- Offer suggestions for the improvement of the Quality Management System
- Ensure the awareness of the whole company with regards to the demands and expectations of all interested parties
The philosophy of DELPA SHIPPING & TRANSPORT CO LTD. includes the setting of measurable objective targets regarding quality, that are being checked by the implementation of the QMS and are being reviewed along with the quality policy with regards to their adequacy and effectiveness, their responsiveness to the clients and legislation requirements, the possibility of their adaptation for the continuous improvement of the company, and the support of its strategic orientation.
The policy of DELPA SHIPPING & TRANSPORT CO LTD is totally binding towards all its personnel at all organizational levels. The same applies to all clients, subcontractors, suppliers and other interested parties in general.
The Managing Director